Here is the work-around I use in order to run LibreOffice 6.0.6 on my Linux
system which does not have Avahi. This fixes the problem with Draw and
Impress not starting. I have not tested it with 6.1 but it probably works.
1. Place the following single line in a file "libavahi-client.c":
int avahi_client_new(void) { return 0; }
2. Place the following single line in a file "libavahi-common.c":
int avahi_threaded_poll_new(void) { return 0; }
3. Compile the two files into shared libraries by typing the following at
shell prompts (or place them into a script or Makefile):
gcc -c libavahi-client.c libavahi-common.c
gcc -shared -o libavahi-client.o
gcc -shared -o libavahi-common.o
4. Copy those 2 shared libraries into the LibreOffice program directory.
The path below is for 6.0.x installation using the downloads from the
LibreOffice site. Adapt it to your system as necessary. This probably needs
to be done as root (but there are alternatives such as using a different
directory and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable).
cp libavahi-*.so.3 /opt/libreoffice6.0/program/
That's it. Draw and Impress should work fine now, with one exception: do
not try to use Impress remote control. That's the only thing that really does
require Avahi.