Plural forms in Pootle

Hi *,

Hi Baurzhan,
> Dear Sophie,
> We've been using "nplurals=1; plural=0" form for quite a while in,
> say, GNOME and Xfce, and Mozilla as well and never had any problems.
> Could you please revert the Pootle plural form of Kazakh language to it?
> I will silence the printf checks then as Christian suggested.

This is done, thanks for the feedback. It seems the list at is not right then.

Same for cldr then - I assume it is because of bad formatting in the
samples? Visually they appear the same with my font, but the "C"-like
character is different in the "one" and "other" examples...

So Baurzhan, please file a ticket to have that updated


Hi Sophie,

It seems some language settings in Pootle are missing the plural form
now that it has been added to master.

Where should I miss/how can I see that

If the field is blank, you won't be able to translate and will have an
error message (from what I've understood from the requests in Pootle

Where can I see a field for this?

(Sorry for being totally dump here :wink: obviously missed some mails..)

Hi Cor,

Hi Sophie,

It seems some language settings in Pootle are missing the plural form
now that it has been added to master.

Where should I miss/how can I see that

If the field is blank, you won't be able to translate and will have an
error message (from what I've understood from the requests in Pootle

Where can I see a field for this

(Sorry for being totally dump here :wink: obviously missed some mails..)

You need to be Pootle admin to modify the language values.
But for NL, number of plurals is: 2, I guess it's correct.


Hi *,

>>>> It seems some language settings in Pootle are missing the plural form
>>>> now that it has been added to master.
>>> Where should I miss/how can I see that

For langauges that don't have any plural form configured, see my mail:

But that doesn't allow you to check whether existing entries are
correct, for that see below...

> (Sorry for being totally dump here :wink: obviously missed some mails..)

You need to be Pootle admin to modify the language values.
But for NL, number of plurals is: 2, I guess it's correct.

and also important equation is (n != 1), so quantity of 0 also gets
plural, like German (0 Sekunden, 1 Sekunde, 2 Sekunden, …)

There's a bug/missing feature in pootle that doesn't export the
Plural-Forms header to files downloaded via web, but the files synced
to disk have it. Meaning: You cannot check in files downloaded from
pootle (only the number of plurals, by the number of msgstr[#] lines),
but you can check it in the translations repo:
