Hi Guilhem
Guilhem Moulin schreef op 09.02.2019 13:41:
Can it be that you had a different mail address for Silverstripe than
for the single sign on account? In that case you should be able to add
it in the settings, and then Guilhem (CC)/* has to run a script to make
sure that the address is known at the places needed.
Kees' last login to SilverStripe was today, so I guess the account is
properly configured What's the problem exactly, Kees?
I did'nt login to silverstripe but to the singel signon and then were transferred to https://www.libreoffice.org/.
The redirect to our Single Sign-On service is intentional, and has been
is place since the first week of September 2018. Using
https://www.libreoffice.org/admin/pages as a single entry point for all
subsites is more recent (January 2019); we did that to avoid setting up
multiple SAML SdP and/or using wildcard cookies. As Cor, you can select
subsites on the left menu. And if you have access to a single subsite
it should even be pre-selected.
I do'nt see any menu where I can select any subsites.
As Cor suggested I had a different user for silverstripe.
It was kees538@gmail.com.
For the singel signon it is Kees538.
Cheers, Kees