Adding dictionary to libreoffice

As you may know central kurdish dictionary and spellcheck not available
for libreoffice, But now i have both .aff and .dict file for central
kurdish, how i can add kurdish dictionary spell check for libreoffice? we
should add it to hunspell? how it can be added to hunspell.

Jwtiyar Nariman
Ex-Regional Leader At Gmaps
*Physical Lab. / Internal Auditor (ISO 9001:2015)*

*Mass Iraq Co. for cement industry *
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Hi Jwtiyar,

As you may know central kurdish dictionary and spellcheck not available
for libreoffice, But now i have both .aff and .dict file for central
kurdish, how i can add kurdish dictionary spell check for libreoffice? we
should add it to hunspell? how it can be added to hunspell.

Thanks for all your work in translating LO and adding those files!
Your question as been answered on Telegram channel already, but to
confirm: open a bug and attach the files, a developer will commit them.