Change the Japanese website download page translation


When will the website download page translation change?

The Japanese translation rate is 100%.

However, it stays the same all the time.



We (Japanese community) want to translate the download page of the
Japanese website.

At Weblate, I think the translation of the Web into Japanese has been completed.

However, when I check the website, there are some untranslated
strings, such as the version description.

Is the description of each version managed by weblate? Or is it
managed in a different way?
I think this page doesn't seem to be managed by Silvertripe.

Could you fix this issue?
Or what should we do?

Best regards,

Hi Christian,

Yes, the files are not automatically synced - weblate creates slightly
differently formatted yaml that silverstripe's parser doesn't like, so
there is a little cleanup required/updating is a manual process.

It is managed by Silverstripe, but automatically filled based on what
downloads are available, so only parts of the page are edited in the
CMS-backend (like sidebar and other elements), the rest is assembled
by Silverstripe and translated using the yaml files (and translation
is done in weblate)

Thank you for the explanation.

Done now, sorry for late reply.

Thank you for updating the page!

To translate the entries in the sidebar area: add corresponding
translated entries into the page content in the /admin/pages area of
the site. If nothing is specified, it will use the English default.

I found the following on the "Download Page" edit screen on Silverstripe.

Sidebar buttons, see

I will try it.

Best regards,