How can stop anonymous translation suggestions in Weblate?


How can I stop anonymous translation suggestions in Weblate?

Most of the suggestions are helpful, but some of them persistently suggest
another translation even after a decision has been made.
They are anonymous, so there is no way to contact them.

And could you please make comments and auto suggestions available to
registered users?
I would like to get in touch with them.

Hi Jun, *,

How can I stop anonymous translation suggestions in Weblate?

You cannot configure it yourself, but I now removed Japanese from the
list of languages where anonymous (Guest) users can add suggestions.
FYI: suggestions were enabled for all languages before)


Hi Christian,

Thank you for your help.

I tried this topic at today's Japanese online hackfest.

I tried to make a suggestion without logging in, but it seems that I
could still make a suggestion.

Is the setting not working?
Or is this behavior correct?

Best regards,

Hi Shinji, *,

I tried to make a suggestion without logging in, but it seems that I
could still make a suggestion.

Is the setting not working?

Indeed, fell victim to unintuitive UI in the weblate/django admin
interface. While I removed Japanese of the list of languages the
"Guest" user has the "add suggestion" permission, there's an
additional control that needs to be changed from "all languages" to
"as defined".
There's no error message when saving with a reduced set of languages,
but the "all languages" setting still wins and basically undoes the

Or is this behavior correct?

No, was not as intended. This time I made sure to set to to "as
defined" and that Japanese is still excluded when reopening the group.

Sorry for that..


Hi Christian,

Or is this behavior correct?

No, was not as intended. This time I made sure to set to to "as
defined" and that Japanese is still excluded when reopening the group.

Thank you for the setting.
I tried without logging in again. The suggestion button was grayed out
and seems to work as expected.

Best regards,

In data lunedì 25 gennaio 2021 13:24:34 CET, Christian Lohmaier ha scritto:

Hi Jun, *,

> How can I stop anonymous translation suggestions in Weblate?

You cannot configure it yourself, but I now removed Japanese from the
list of languages where anonymous (Guest) users can add suggestions.

Hi Christian

could you remove also Italian project for that?



I think that I am right in saying that in the past if I selected an item from the displayed Glossary suggestions, the text chosen appeared in the long field for my language just above "Needs editing" and the cursor was placed back in the field just after the retrieved text.

Now when I select a suggestion, it appears in the long field where the cursor was, but the cursor disappears and anything I type goes too. Is this a new "feature" or a bug? It is inconvenient as I have to click on the field to get the cursor back.


The text field was replaced in recent Weblate versions and there has been
some regressions, you can report back to Weblate, the LibreOffice instance
is updated periodically according to the stable versions AFAICT.