Impress Guide 7.0

Chapter 7 OLE, Spreadsheets, Charts, and Other Objects of the Impress Guide 7.0 is now in the Published folder on the NextCloud website.

Peter Schofield


I see that now all chapters of the Impress 7.0 GS guide are published.

Currently, the master document is still missing, maybe Olivier can help?
Also, master doc for Draw guide is also not available.

Lp, m.


Hello Martin

I am preparing the Impress Guide (master document) at the moment and will be published Monday or Tuesday. Also the PDF versions of all the chapters and the Impress Guide will be published and placed on NextCloud.

The only thing I do not know is how to publish the Impress Guide and the individual chapters onto the LibreOffice website. Some instruction on how to do it would help, or is there one person who looks after the LibreOffice website put the files onto the website???

Peter Schofield

Hi Peter

To upload to the documentation website requires you to have access to
the websites of TDF and to edit the html of the SilverStripe CMS pages
and files.

But if you add the files to the wiki, I can pull them and upload to the
documentation website for you. Just let me know what you prefer.

Kind regards
