[libreoffice-documentation] New XHP editor online for testing and feedback

Hi Help Authors, L10n Translators and developers

Following Mike's announcement, I have improved and fixed a bit the XHP
editor, and changed the page address (*) (apologies)

The editor is still work in progress, but starts to become interesting
for creating and editing Help pages.

What's new

Hello Olivier et. al.,

will the editor in any way change underlying string/text
non-changed-with-editing code (i.e. if a small edit of one word is
performed, does the whole chunk of help page save/change (regarding also
xml checks and corrections and beautification?).

Did you try any tests, how many fuzzy strings does a small edit of one word
on an average hep page in English cause in git/po files? I am just worried
that this might cause a lot of fuzzy (not fully translated) strings in l10n
projects and a lot of collateral damage for l10n teams. But I might just be
too much worried.

Thanks, m.

V V pon., 14. jan. 2019 ob 12:43 je oseba Olivier Hallot <
olivier.hallot@libreoffice.org> napisala: