LibreOffice in PA Dutch

I intend to start translating LibreOffice into Pennsylvania Dutch.

Pennsylvania Dutch is not listed under "Browse all languages" at

U.S. only
Pennsylvania Dutch

Hi Caleb,

I intend to start translating LibreOffice into Pennsylvania Dutch.

Pennsylvania Dutch is not listed under "Browse all languages" at

U.S. only
Pennsylvania Dutch

Thanks for your contribution and welcome to the project. I'll create the
language and then Christian will populate it.
Do you know the plural rules for this language?
Once done, I'll come back to you. In the mean time, please add your
language and your contact here:



I intend to start translating LibreOffice into Pennsylvania Dutch.

Being curious I looked that up and was surprised it's not even about
Dutch but some sort of German.. (Deitsch :wink:

Anyhow, ISO 639-3 language code is 'pdc', which ISO calls
"Pennsylvania German"


Usually, just add an e. "Es Watt" becomes "die Wadde."

I just created an account at, but the wiki
will not let me sign on. I get errors.

A plural rule is something like:
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
nplurals is the number of different plurals of your language.
English has two plurals, one for the count equal 1 and one for the count not
equal 1, like the above. There are however languages that also have different
plurals for other counts, e.g. 11.