LibreOffice Language Technology – News & Best practices


After releasing Hunspell 1.7
<> with several
improvements, including the fast and better spelling suggestion, I
published the extended version of my presentation at LiboCon, Tirana:
Language Technology – News & Best practices
I suggest checking its content especially for members of native language
groups. I have listed several ideas, examples and code pointers to improve
the support of your language in LibreOffice, helping your LibreOffice
users. (I sent this to, too, sorry for the

Best regards,

Thanks Németh, this is of great help for me as a translator to understand some of the features in Numbertext and other spelling-related tools. Will digest for a while. Good stuff...

Best regards,
Sveinn í Felli

Þann 14.11.2018 16:46, skrifaði Németh László: