Minutes of the ESC - l10n part

Hi all,

For information
* l10n (Sophie)
  + work is going on
  + removed 6.3 and 6.4 projects
  + splitting 7-2 projects later this week
  + possibly also updating weblate
  + problem with uploading translations via script/API

would that be ok to remove 7.0 project or do you need to keep it, and
for how long?


Hello Sophie,

thanks for the update.
I noticed that Weblate was updated and now I now get notification mails
I would keep LO 7.0 until May next year if it is ok.

Annabelle Wübbelsmann
German Tranlator


Hi Annabelle, all,

Hello Sophie,

thanks for the update.
I noticed that Weblate was updated and now I now get notification mails

Great, happy that it is solved now :slight_smile:

I would keep LO 7.0 until May next year if it is ok.

thanks for your feedback.
@all: Any other opinions on this?

Hi *,

Hi Annabelle, all,
> Hello Sophie,
> thanks for the update.
> I noticed that Weblate was updated and now I now get notification mails
> again.
Great, happy that it is solved now :slight_smile:

Interesting, didn't read anything re fixing problems with
notifications in the changelog, but even better that it got fixed, one
thing less trying to hunt down.
Maybe it is the changes re the django admin interface that fixed
it/reapplied whatever settings to its internal model.

> I would keep LO 7.0 until May next year if it is ok.

Fine with me, there is no urgency here, I didn't plan to remove it in
the next months anyway, but also don't plan to have it around for as
long as the 6.3 ones :slight_smile:

I think with the translation propagation between branches having the
old ones up for reference/to copy from is no longer necessary, but I
of course don't want to remove a source of updated translations from
distro builders (although I don't think any distro manually adds
translation patches to their builds from the intermediate github repo,
I don't update the LibreOffice translation repository after EOL date).
