Nabble users list down?

I just read that nabble is going to be history.
Lets see - here you go:


Well, it looks like its still up and running at the moment, but the future looks questionable. I was asking bacause I havent been able to access the nabble forum lately. Just wondering if TDF pulled out early.

--JESUS is Lord!
[libreoffice-users] Nabble users list down?From:
7/21/21, 4:53 PMTo:
users@global.libreoffice.orgDoes anyone know what has happened to the DocumentFoundation forum on I havent been able to access it for the past several days.

Just asking.

Hi all,

Well, it looks like its still up and running at the moment, but the future looks questionable. I was asking bacause I havent been able to access the nabble forum lately. Just wondering if TDF pulled out early.

Until very recently, we were not aware of the situation unfortunately.
For those using Nabble, we are putting a Discourse forum in place in a
first step to replace the Ask instance, see my message here:
The migration of Ask archives will take place on the July 31.

Once everything is migrated and working well for contributors and users,
we will see how to bridge the mailing lists with another Discourse
instance as a replacement of Nabble services. Note: this is not to
replace mailing lists, but to bridge them.
This will be communicated mostly on the website mailing list, but don't
hesitate to ping me if you have questions.

Kind regards