Translating Access

I want to help translating LibreOffice to Persian, but I don't have access. I can only suggest, which no person is available to accept them. There are near 200 suggestion. a lot ot them can be acceptable with some small fixes.
This is my Welate account:!


All the suggestions will be considered, and will be merged after a review from me and other reviewers.

I have reviewed, fixed and merged all of your suggestions, so kindly keep translating! Thank you :slight_smile:

Btw, there are some issues with many of the translations, thus we can not directly accept them. For example, some translations are not exact, some ignore special characters and markups, some don't use ZWNJ, and these issues cause problems.

Meanwhile, you can find more information about localization and other things related to Persian language for LibreOffice here:
